بیانیههای سازمان دفاع از قربانیان خشونت در اجلاس 42 شورای حقوق بشر
بیانیههای سازمان دفاع از قربانیان خشونت در...
Organization for Defending Victims of Violence
Human Rights Council 42nd session
Item 2: General Debate
Human Rights Situations in Kashmir and Nigeria
Item 3: General Debate
ID with the Special Rapporteur on the Negative Impact of Unilateral Coercive Measures (UCM)s on the Enjoyment of Human Rights
Item 3: General Debate
Unilateral Coercive Measures (UCM)s and Human Rights
Item 4: General Debate
Human Rights in Yemen, Norway, Canada
Item 7: General Debate
Organization for Defending victims of Violence
Item 10: General Debate
Civilian Consequences of Yemen War